The Mantovani Orchestra The Maple Kind Games the maravers the Marciane The Marcus Hedges Trend Orchestra The Marenghi Fairground Organ The Mariachi League The Marian Stained Glass Windows the Marilyns The Marimbas The Marine Project The Marion L. Steele Concert Choir The Mark Music The Mark Twain Chorus and Orchestra The Marley Show! The Marshmallow Ghosts The Martian The Martins The Marty Paich Dek-Tette The Marty Paich Orchestra The Marvelous Wonderettes The Marvels The Marx Brothers The Marzipan Man The Master The Master's Chorale The Mastersound The material bend on owner The Math Club The Matrix Reloaded The Matthias Sisters The Mayor the McNeeLees The Mechanic The Medallion String Orchestra The Media Melodies Trend Orchestra The Mediacvlt The Medieval Music Players The Meereen Players The Mega Drives The Megadrives The Melachrino Strings and Orchestra The Meladrones The Melanchoholics The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra The Mell-O-Tones The Mellomen Barber Shop Quartet The Mellotones The Melody Man The Melody Maverick Project
| The Melomaniacs The Melting Paraiso U.F.O. The Mememe The Men and Boys Choir of the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban The Mendelsen Set The Meridian Studio Ensemble The Meridian Studio Orchestra The Meringue Initiative The Mermaid Queen the Merricks The Merrill Law Project The Merrill Staton Choir The Messengers ID The Meteors The Metrobrokers The Metropole Orchestra The Mexicali Brass The MGM Crooners The MGM Orchestra The MGM Studio Orchestra The Mia The Mic Jordan The Michael Fletcher Chorale The Michael Freeliner Orchestra The Michael Garson Ensemble The Michel Bisceglia Ensemble The Mick Lloyd Connection The Mid July Kid The Midgard Project The MIDI Warrior The MIDI World of Freedom The Midnight Beast The Midnight Creeper The Midnight Raiders The Mighty Boing The Mighty Capeech The Mighty Murphin The Mighty Muzaks The Mighty Sparrow The Mike Curb Congregation The Mike Lee Sound The Mike n Dave Channel The Mike Sammes Singers The Milano Festival Opera The MileStone Family The Military Band of the Queen's Regiment The Mill Brother The Million Dollar Quartet The Mills Brothers The Milton Hunter Orchestra