THE LONDON SAVOY THEATRE CAST The London Session Orchestra The London Shimmey The London Sinfonia The London Sinfonia Orchestra The London Sound Survey The London Soundtrack Orchestra The London Stage Orchestra The London Starlight Orchestra The London Studio Orchestra The London Studio Singers The London Symphonia Orchestra The London Symphony Orchestra The London Theater Orchestra The London Theater Singers The London Theatre Orchestra The London Theatre Orchestra and Cast The London Voices The London West End Singers and Players The London Wind Orchestra the lone gardener The Lone Gunmen the Lone Sharks The Lonely Island the Long Insiders The Long Night Orchestra The Long Run The Long Tomorrow The Lords of Lonesome The Los Angeles Master Chorale The Los Angeles Movie Studios The Los Angeles Singers The Lost The Lost Channel The Lost Connection The Lost Episode The Lost Symbols The Lot Studio The Lotion Slider (鳥海浩輔 as WOLF、安元洋貴 as JACK-@L、保村 真 as J/G) The Lotion Slider(鳥海浩輔 as WOLF、安元洋貴 a The Lou Bennett and Kenny Clark Jazz Combo The Lou Henderson Players The Loud House The Louis Lester Band The Lounge Crusaders The Love Thieves The Love Unlimited Orchestra The Lovin' Spoonful THE LOWBROWS The Lowriders
| The Lucid Experiment The Luminaries The Luna Sequence The Luna Squad the Lunar Project The Lush The Luton Girls Choir The Luton Girls' Choir and The Glasgow Orpheus Choir The Lviv Symphony Orchestra The Lyman Family The Lyn Murray Singers The Lyndhurst Orchestra THE M-A MAN The M-G-M Studio Orchestra The M-Theory The M.G.'s The Macadam Bison The Macedonian Concert Orchestra The Machine-gun Girls (CV:小松未可子・堀江由 The Mad Council The Mad Daddy The Mad Maggies The Madd Rapper The MaddGeek The Madison Five The Mafia: Payback (Original Score) The Magic Hollywood Movie Orchestra The Magic Kingdom Orchestra The Magic Movie Orchestra The Magic Orchestra The Magic Poetry Band The Magical Singers The Magills The Magnificent Independent Film Society The Magnificent Six The Magpies The Main Street Band The Main Street Band and Orchestra The Makai The Make The Make Believes The Maker THE MAN BLK The Man Who Thinks He Is a Computer The Man1ak The Manhattan Musical Company The Manhattan Singers The Manhattan Starlight Company The Manhatten Performers The Manhatten Transfer