John Skoczen John Skoog John Sleep john smith John Smol John Snagge John Sommerfield John Sommerfield (ASCAP/PRS) John Southworth John Sparkes John Spence John Sponsler John Sposito John St. John John Stacy John Stafford Smith John Stanford John Stanley John Stephen Kuhns John Sterling John Sterling Frowein III John Stetch John Steven Morgan John Stewart John Stewart Eduri John Stirratt John Stocker John Stoniae John Stookey John Storey John Story John Stuart Guinn John Stvan John Sullivan Dwight John Surman John Sutton John Sweeney John Swihart John Symonds John Szymanski John T John T. Hunt John T. LaBarbera John Tabacco John Tadlock John Tanner John Taylor John Temple John Tender John Tennant
| John Tesh John Teske John The Baptist John Theodore John Thompson John Thurman John Tierney John Tipton John Tomkins John Tonnard and Laurens Tummers John Topor John Torf John Torkington John Tormey John Torrijos John Toso John Toso, Gino Fioravanti John Totten John Travis John Travolta John Treacy Egan John Treni John Trudeau John Tryon John Tsilimparis John Turner John Twomey John Tyrell John Ulhoa John Ullyatt John V Page John Vaillier John Vallely John Van Geem John Van Houten John Van Tongeran John Van Tongeren John Velazquez John Vella John Verducci John Vernon John Vianni John Vickery John Victor John Vigran John Vincent McCauley John Vinson John Vodka John Vogel John Vogler