The Last Supper: Film Works XXII
1 | SomnambulismeJohn Zorn | 02:12 | |
2 | Opening InvocationJohn Zorn | 02:13 | |
3 | Virgin SacrificeJohn Zorn | 03:25 | |
4 | VespersJohn Zorn | 03:37 | |
5 | SpiralJohn Zorn | 03:17 | |
6 | The Last SupperJohn Zorn | 01:55 | |
7 | The Colors of BloodJohn Zorn | 02:47 | |
8 | SexaltationJohn Zorn | 02:35 | |
9 | Dance For the Vernal EquinoxJohn Zorn | 01:35 | |
10 | TarotJohn Zorn | 01:43 | |
11 | Time TravelJohn Zorn | 02:27 | |
12 | Le DiableJohn Zorn | 02:01 | |
13 | ExhaltationJohn Zorn | 02:01 | |
14 | Futur PrimitifJohn Zorn | 05:34 | |
15 | Blood RitualJohn Zorn | 02:37 | |
16 | In AliumJohn Zorn | 06:29 |