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Альбом был написан Andreas Makusev / Marvin Kopp / Nicolas Samuel Lietzau / Philipp Kapusta / Sebastian Loebbers / Simon W. Autenrieth и вышел 14 февраля 2019 года. На саундтрек попало 118 композиций общей длительностью более 5-х часов. Подборка является компиляцией оригинальной музыки. Выпуском пластинки занимался лейбл SureAI.
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С этим альбомом также слушают
CD 1
1 | Blood and Iron - Blut und Eisen | 02:24 | |
2 | Bloodthirsty - Blutdurst | 01:08 | |
3 | Bone Hunter - Knochenjaeger | 02:00 | |
4 | Dance of Death - Klingentanz | 01:55 | |
5 | Dust at the Horizon - Staub am Horizont | 01:32 | |
6 | Example - Exempel | 01:35 | |
7 | Pathless - Abseits des Weges | 02:28 | |
8 | Prey - Beutezug | 01:25 | |
9 | Prophet | 03:10 | |
10 | Shieldmates - Schildbrueder | 01:15 | |
11 | Storm and Stress - Sturm und Drang | 03:20 | |
12 | 1000 Miles - 1000 Meilen | 04:55 | |
13 | Absolution | 02:09 | |
14 | Action Teaser | 00:40 | |
15 | Arachnids | 01:10 | |
16 | Balance - Gleichgewicht | 02:22 | |
17 | Cloudless Sky - Wolkenloser Himmel | 04:12 | |
18 | Cycle - Zyklus | 02:48 | |
19 | Dance with the Devil - Tanz mit dem Teufel | 01:52 | |
20 | Downward | 01:20 | |
21 | Empire by the Sea | 03:27 | |
22 | Every Day like the Last - Jeder Tag wie der Letzte | 02:54 | |
23 | Fleshless - Fleischlos (old) | 03:55 | |
24 | Forgotten Dreams - Vergessene Traeume | 02:28 | |
25 | Goetterdaemmerung | 02:25 | |
26 | Heading for new Shores - Auf zu neuen Ufern | 02:35 | |
27 | Koppophon | 01:27 | |
28 | Nightshade | 02:03 | |
29 | Ocean of Sand - Sandmeer | 02:20 | |
30 | Overcome the Beast Inside - Die Bestie Ueberwunden | 02:10 | |
31 | Path-Abidingness - Der Weg ist das Ziel (old) | 03:00 | |
32 | Phoenix | 03:00 | |
33 | Price of Steadiness - Preis der Ordnung | 02:04 | |
34 | Run of Things - Lauf der Dinge | 01:58 | |
35 | Settlers Tune | 01:53 | |
36 | The Bright Side - Die Sonnenseite | 02:55 | |
37 | The Last Journey - Die letzte Reise | 01:01 | |
38 | Their Return - Ihre Wiederkehr | 02:45 | |
39 | Thunderfrost - Donnerfrost | 03:07 | |
40 | Through Sand and Dust - Durch Sand und Staub (old) | 02:48 | |
41 | Two Souls - Zwei Seelen | 02:20 | |
42 | White Land - Weisses Land | 03:12 | |
43 | Free Trade | 02:46 | |
44 | Home of the Blessed | 03:21 | |
45 | Homecoming | 03:05 | |
46 | Lampman | 02:08 | |
47 | Sunrise over the City | 02:37 | |
48 | Trade Roads - Handelswege | 02:30 | |
49 | Bats | 02:25 | |
50 | Cave of Crystals | 02:16 | |
51 | Crypt - Krypta | 02:37 | |
52 | Darkness - Finsternis | 03:00 | |
53 | Disorientation - Sinnesschwund | 01:43 | |
54 | Dust and Bones - Staub und Knochen | 02:07 | |
55 | Echo | 02:15 | |
56 | Fridge - Eisschrank | 02:18 | |
57 | In The Deep - In der Tiefe | 03:12 | |
58 | Mud & Stone | 02:21 | |
59 | Precursor Ruins | 03:25 | |
60 | Realm of Earth - Erdreich | 02:10 | |
61 | The Cleft - Der Schlund | 03:00 | |
62 | Black Light - Schwarzes Licht | 03:30 | |
63 | Brave new World - Schoene neue Welt | 03:44 | |
64 | Consecration - Die Weihe | 03:07 | |
65 | Echo of the Past - Echo der Vergangenheit | 03:12 | |
66 | Every Day like the Last - Jeder Tag wie der Letzte (dialogue) | 04:00 | |
67 | Fallen Angel - Gefallener Engel | 02:24 | |
68 | Fleshless - Fleischlos (piano version) | 05:08 | |
69 | Fleshless - Fleischlos | 02:45 | |
70 | Intro | 02:28 | |
71 | Massacre - Massaker | 00:40 | |
72 | Myths and Legends - Mythen und Legenden | 00:43 | |
73 | Nature of Humanity - Natur der Menschheit | 04:45 | |
74 | Numinos | 03:45 | |
75 | Prophet (dialogue) | 01:47 | |
76 | Shattered Dreams - Zerbrochene Traeume | 02:30 | |
77 | Song of Silence - Ein Lied der Stille (dialogue) | 01:55 | |
78 | Starglider - Sternensegler | 01:09 | |
79 | The Cleansing - Die Laeuterung | 02:28 | |
80 | The Dead don't Forget - Die Toten vergessen nicht | 01:24 | |
81 | The Veiled Woman - Die Verschleierte Frau | 01:27 | |
82 | Towards the Horizon - Bis zum Horizont | 03:15 | |
83 | Two Souls - Zwei Seelen (dialogue) | 02:15 | |
84 | Well of Life - Wiege des Lebens | 02:48 | |
85 | Among Leaves - Im Laubschatten | 04:24 | |
86 | Ancient Fathers - Die Urvaeter | 03:55 | |
87 | Barracs - Baracken | 01:49 | |
88 | Decay - Verfall | 03:18 | |
89 | Deceptive Peace - Truegerischer Frieden | 03:17 | |
90 | Through Sand and Dust - Durch Sand und Staub | 03:05 | |
91 | Spark of Hope - Ein Funken Hoffnung | 02:15 | |
92 | Enchanted | 01:35 | |
93 | Fata Morgana | 02:48 | |
94 | Forgotten Homeland - Vergessene Heimat | 03:00 | |
95 | Glades | 02:00 | |
96 | Home of the Destitutes - Heimat der Mittellosen | 03:08 | |
97 | In the Sunlight - Im Sonnenlicht | 03:50 | |
98 | In the Twilight - Im Zwielicht | 03:08 | |
99 | Magic Contamination - Magische Kontamination | 02:40 | |
100 | Mistwalker - Nebelschreiter | 02:48 | |
101 | Northwind - Nordwinde | 03:30 | |
102 | Path-Abidingness - Der Weg ist das Ziel | 02:48 | |
103 | Paths of the Dead - Die Pfade der Toten | 03:40 | |
104 | Ralatha | 02:41 | |
105 | Snow Nomad - Schneenomade | 03:15 | |
106 | Song of Silence - Ein Lied der Stille | 03:00 | |
107 | Sound of Fugacity - Klang der Vergaenglichkeit | 03:29 | |
108 | Sunborn - Sonnengeboren | 02:49 | |
109 | Suntemple - Sonnentempel | 03:47 | |
110 | Temple Path | 02:31 | |
111 | Thalgard | 02:26 | |
112 | The Land Is Grey And Cold | 03:14 | |
113 | The Lonely Mountain | 02:24 | |
114 | The Old and Forgotten | 02:25 | |
115 | The Trees Have Eyes - Die Waelder Fluestern | 03:30 | |
116 | Until Dawn - Bis zur Morgendaemmerung | 03:22 | |
117 | Walk Blessed - Schreitet Wohl | 03:13 | |
118 | White Sky | 03:50 | |